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What is a Test Plan? Complete Guide With Examples

The acceptance criteria are the most important part of your ITP, why? Because this is your basis how you are going to approve or accept the material arrive and work done on site respectively. For each check point you need to specify exactly what to look for , how the check is recorded, and who must perform/signoff the inspection. The tester will get proper knowledge transfer from the development team.

The test plan is where those resources are defined and the needs of testing are expressed. The more detailed and specific the plan in terms of things like names, dates, risks, and technical details, the more brittle the test plan becomes when changes occur. While some people feel standards are constraining, standards can also be your friend. Standards can provide guidance and examples based on many years of industry experience and practice, while eliminating the need to start your test planning efforts from a blank page. Therefore, it is perfectly fine to tailor and adapt the standard. Obviously, projects that are large and complex will require more information to convey details of the testing effort than simpler and smaller projects.

In fact, that is the great thing about a test strategy – you can define it even before requirements or other specifications are defined. Test plans should list the risks foreseen in the project and their respective levels so that testing can be prioritized by risk. When you want to start writing the ITP, you must firstly read the specification of the work that you are going to make an ITP for. Like “Block Works” you should read carefully the whole specification, not only once, but twice or much better, several times because there are terms sometimes that you have to understand well. During your reading, you can highlight the important terms so that when you come back you can immediately track it.

  • One outcome of a successful test plan should be a record or report of the verification of all design specifications and requirements as agreed upon by all parties.
  • Others on the test team and in the organization may have input and review tasks, but it is generally up to the manager to actually write the test plan.
  • Nonfunctional testing such as stress, performance or logical database currently will not be tested.
  • Provide a summary of the schedule, specifying key test milestones, and/or provide a link to the detailed schedule.
  • Milestones indicate really significant achievements and everybody breathes a sigh of relief.

For example, a bank will not loan money to a business without a business plan. Without a marketing plan, a business will lack focus and direction in reaching new customers. And write “Visual” for the material and activity to be inspected. The Inspection and Test Plan is like a Work Instruction and the Checklist is a form that becomes the actual record. Both the ITP and Checklist are documents that must be controlled.


The test plan helps those people to understand the test details that are related to the outside like developers, business managers, customers, etc. Suppose that Beta is the second release of the application after the first release Alpha is released. Some of the defect identified in the first released and that has been fixed in the later released.

definition of test plan

Well, in such case you need to convince the customer that Api Testing is extra work and will consume significant resources. Tell him if Api Testing is included in-scope the budget will increase by XYZ amount. Before the start of any test activity, scope of the testing should definition of test plan be known. Comments about specific definitions should be sent to the authors of the linked Source publication. For NIST publications, an email is usually found within the document. Service and repair test – to be performed as required over the service life of the product.

Test Plan definition

Acceptance test or commissioning test – to be performed at the time of delivery or installation of the product. A major goal of the test plan is to communicate to the rest of the organization, and perhaps other organizations, how testing is planned to be conducted. Without a test plan, communication about testing becomes very dynamic and people may not know at any given time the goals and expectations of testing. One reason why people may tend to avoid test planning is that they know any plans will likely change. However, the prospect of changes should not deter you from creating a test plan.

definition of test plan

When it comes to test plans, consider that only part of the test planning details will involve information heavily based on technical details. The rest of the test plan will contain information that should be easily readable by all stakeholders, regardless of role. This is another compelling reason for conducting test plan reviews, especially the reviews involving stakeholders. As you write the test plan, you will discover that the writing effort becomes one of investigation as you seek to learn the details needed in the plan. A good practice is to assign certain parts of the test plan to members of the test team to investigate and document. As the author of the test plan, you can then compile and edit the information.

These are the challenges which we need to face to test the application in the current release and if the assumptions will fail then the risks are involved. The test plan consists of various parts, which help us to derive the entire testing activity. Needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. As you might guess, there is also an official formatting standard for test plans, called the IEEE 829. The procedures that will be followed are listed in this section, so that we have a formal way to handle both expected and unexpected occurrences.

How to write a Test Plan

The plan is very important, because it summarizes the testing process. The plan is broken down into manageable pieces so we know how to deal with each aspect of that process. And it’s a record of our objectives, so we can look back and see how we did. In the article Risk Analysis and Solution, you have already learned about the ‘Risk’ analysis in detail and identified potential risks in the project. Important aspects like test estimation, test scope, Test Strategy are documented in Test Plan, so it can be reviewed by Management Team and re-used for other projects. Textbooks on software testing can also be a source of test plan templates.

However, before the right test approach and other planning details can be defined, a larger view of the organizational and project objectives must be defined first. Creating a software test plan is one of the most foundational concepts in software testing. However, with the advent of streamlined life cycle processes, such as Agile and DevOps, the idea of taking the time to create test plans and other forms of test documentation is often minimized or ignored altogether. This is unfortunate because there is much value in a test plan that can greatly benefit all projects, regardless of lifecycle.

It is prepared at the project level and in general, it defines work products to be tested, how they will be tested, and test type distribution among the testers. Before starting testing there will be a test manager who will be preparing a test plan. In any company whenever a new project is taken up before the tester involves in the testing the test manager of the team would prepare a test Plan. It defines the complete task which needs to be performed by the entire testing team.

Phase Test Plan- In this type of test plan, emphasis on any one phase of testing. List of bugs fixed in the current release, and the list of fixed bugs in the previous release. As we can see, we have five different graphs that show the various aspects of the testing process.


Before we start performing functional testing, all the above Entry Criteria should be followed. But if the exit criteria of functional testing are not followed, then we cannot proceed further to integration testing. It is generally done with the help of tools because we cannot track the status of each bug manually. And we also comment about how we communicate the bugs which are identified during the testing process and send it back to the development team and how the development team will reply. Here we also mention the priority of the bugs such as high, medium, and low.

definition of test plan

A test plan is a document detailing a systematic approach to testing a system such as a machine or software. Under the inspection or verification, there are three parties involved which they are Contractor, Consultant or Engineer and Client or Employer. Now, there are corresponding responsibilities or task these three parties are involved in and to be represented by E as execution, Was witness point and Has hold point. First is Contractor which normally the party who will execute the project. Second, the consultant or engineer who will commonly checked the work or material, the inspection criteria will be eitherwitnessorhold.

It is worth the time to investigate this possibility if you are in an industry such as defense, finance, automotive, or medical. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Test plan.

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Therefore, the contingency plan will be assigned a primary and subordinate owner to each feature. So if the one test engineer will leave, the subordinate owner takes over that specific feature and also helps the new test engineer, so he/she can understand their assigned modules. We are writing this to describe the approaches which have to be taken for testing the product and only for the critical features where we will write the high-level scenarios. Here, we will not be focusing on covering all the scenarios because it can be decided by the particular test engineer that which features have to be tested or not.

What does Test plan mean?

Let’s take thisInspection & Test Plan Sample, and see under the Test or Inspection Performed column. You will just write “Approval” for the documents that to be included such as the method statement, material submittal and inspection and test plan. Mostly the test plan is approved by the Test Manager, and the test engineers only reviews it. And when the new features come, we will modify the test plan and do the necessary modification in Version field, and then it will be sent again for further review, update, and approval of the manager. The test plan must be updated whenever any changes have occurred.

Test Management

An Inspection and Test Plan is not the same as an Inspection Checklist. The details of the inspection are contained in the checklist, and are typically recorded there. It contains a test plan, defect report, automation report, assumption report, tools, and other components that have been used for developing and maintaining the testing effort. Master Test Plan- In this type of test plan, includes multiple test strategies and has multiple levels of testing.

Obviously, a business-oriented audience will get lost in technical jargon and technical readers will find the plan lacking if few technical details are provided. The balance is found in being able to express technical information in ways that is understandable by the business. This has been a great need for over forty years in all areas of information technology, not just testing.